Friday, August 10, 2007

Union decertified

NLRB notice at Alle-Kiski Medical CenterAbout a week ago when I was doing a hospital visit at the Alle-Kiski Medical Center I saw a large notice from the National Labor Relations Board; it said that there was to be an election Wednesday on the question whether certain employees would be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, Local 23.

There was not a lot of information about what the issues were. I assumed that UFCW had been trying to organize a union and was seeking certification.

Today's Valley News Dispatch had an informative article about the results of the election and some of the history leading up to it. It turns out that what was at stake was the decertification of the union that had represented the employees since 2003.

I am sure there are lots of personal stories behind this election, stories that may never be told about why people on either side voted as they did. But I appreciated the paper's putting the election in context.

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