Thursday, December 20, 2007

Objects in the distance may be larger than they appear

Photo of 2007 Tarentum Brackenridge holiday tree as seen from First Avenue
There seems to be no end of grumbling about the size of the Tarentum-Brackenridge holiday tree this year. I guess people don't want to complain about genuine issues, such as the number of people who are experiencing homelessness right now, or the fact that young people they know are far away fighting a war that was started with dubious justifications.

The holiday tree for Tarentum and Brackenridge was planted along the boundary between the towns in an open park area. The absence of any other points of reference nearby make the tree look particularly small and lonely, especially when viewed from the distance of First Avenue.

I've heard people swear that the tree cannot be taller than six feet. They should take a short walk and stand next to it. The tree actually is eight to ten feet tall, as was intended by those who obtained it.

It is a living tree; it will grow each year. I like it.

Photo of 2007 Tarentum Brackenridge holiday tree from a closer viewpoint
In the past Tarentum has had cut trees so tall that it was a challenge to decorate them. This year's tree is decorated evenly from top to bottom.

If you have an opinion about the tree go ahead and vote in my poll or leave a comment.

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