Monday, August 08, 2005

Domestic Violence Training for religious workers and officers

As a follow-up to my article here, and to UnSpace's reminder of the urgency of dealing with the problem of domestic violence, I'm writing this blog entry about an event which has been scheduled, but for which the publicity has not yet gone out.

The Session (i.e., governing board) of the Central Presbyterian Church of Tarentum was receptive to the idea of ensuring that it provide training about domestic violence for all of its officers, and a training event has been scheduled. The Alle-Kiski Hope Center will provide leadership for the free training that has been scheduled for the morning of Saturday, September 24, from 10 to 12.

Central Presbyterian will consider the event a success even if the only people who show up for the training are the church's own officers. In the interest of making efficient use of community resources, the church will be inviting other area churches to send interested officers or workers for the free training.

The training will include some basic information about domestic violence and will generally cover topics which the 213th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) recommended in 2001 for its officers and churches.

  • The importance of reporting to the appropriate authority the abuse of children, the elderly, and those disabled in ways that prevent them from reporting the abuse themselves
  • Appropriate training to equip church leaders to discuss with all victims/survivors their risk and safety options, and refer the victims/survivors to appropriate resources.
  • Education and training for all clergy, commissioned lay pastors, and church educators to recognize the causes and symptoms of abuse, to offer instruction for recognizing professional limitations and making appropriate referrals, to intervene appropriately in instances where abuse is reported or suspected, and on how to be part of a community coordinated response by providing a referral list for pastors of qualified agencies and psychotherapists for guidance and counsel.
  • Making certain that pastors, church officers, people involved in caregiving ministries, and volunteers are trained to recognize and respond appropriately to domestic violence. This would include educating them about restraining orders, shelter visitations, and those actions that jeopardize women’s, children’s, and men’s safety.
  • Encouraging churches and pastors to communicate to their children and youth that local resources addressing domestic violence are available and that their pastors and trained church educators are accessible and appropriate adults with whom to discuss real or potential domestic violence.
Watch for more information or encourage your church leaders to watch their mail.

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1 comment:

Stewart said...

Yes, I can do that, if I can find your email address. Or perhaps I'll just post the actual publicity as a new blog entry.