Welcome to my park bench from which we can notice and discuss the traces and signs of God's presence and activity in the Alle-Kiski Valley. Have a seat. Relax and take a look around. Something big is happening, and you are invited to participate.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Things that go bump in Tarentum: the 2006 Grandview Halloween Parade
and long-leggedy beasties
and things that go bump in the night
Good Lord, deliver us!
The 2006 Grandview Elementary School Hallowe'en parade took place today at 9:45 AM.
Heading up the parade was an impressive marching band in Hallowe'en garb.
Following the marching band were each of the classes in the elementary school. Spongebob Squarepants was there to affirm the diversity of the Grandview student body. And what a diverse group they were!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Like a tree planted by streams of water
Various conversations in the past week have reminded me how threatening it is for some family members to visit in the hospital and see a loved one being unwell.
This artwork is a special ministry of caring for the people who work in the hospital and for those who come and go in the course of a day.
File under : Natrona Heights, art, health
Friday, October 27, 2006
Tarentum skatepark: preparations underway
On Thursday it did not look as if there had been much further progress. But the pouring of concrete comes soon.
HT: Blank Skate, who reminds us that when they pour the concrete it will need to cure for 30 days before the equipment is installed.
File under : Tarentum, recreation, skateboard park
Monday, October 23, 2006
Let's walk together
The service included special music from the choirs, praise teams, and bands of four area churches: Bull Creek Presbyterian Church, Trinity United Christian Church, Center United Methodist Church, and Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church.
The Rev. Dr. W. James Legge, President of the Allegheny Valley Association of Churches told about the sixteen programs that AVAC maintains to make a difference in the Valley. The offering at the service was to support the work of AVAC.
Karen Snair, Executive Director of AVAC, introduced the preacher of the evening, the Rev. Dr. Johnnie Monroe, pastor of the Grace Memorial Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh.
Dr. Monroe's sermon "And the Walls Come Tumbling Down" was based on Ephesians 2:11-21. Speaking out of his experience of racial segregation, Dr. Monroe acknowledged the significance of changes in our society, while pointing to divisions that persist, such as continued divisions of gender, class, and socio-economic status. The tearing down of those walls will be God's work in which we will participate. "Let's walk together" was his closing exhortation.
Following the service there was a time of fellowship and refreshments downstairs. The seats at tables were quickly filled and it was standing room only for those of us who arrived in the fellowship hall last.
While I was finding a place to stand, I walked past a couple of the participants who were talking about the sermon. One of them was saying that he liked a lot of what Dr. Monroe had to say, but that one of the controversial areas of division that he had mentioned "would destroy the church."
The discriminatory divisions that some experience as utterly oppressive are experienced by others as the utterly necessary last stand against the forces of evil and chaos.
Overhearing that snippet of conversation, that continuation of the sermon, has left me probing myself to see where I might be doubting God's power.
I'm glad I came across this article on odyssey that featured a picture of a church sign that says "In a divided society only the Church can model unity."
Update 10-24-06: Added links.
File under : AVAC, Allegheny Valley, ecumenism, peacemaking, worship, Lower Burrell, Natrona Heights, Tarentum
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Rev. Johnnie Monroe to preach for AVAC
The guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Johnnie Monroe, Pastor of the Grace Memorial Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh.
Music will be provided by area church choirs and bands.
The theme will be "We Are One In the Spirit."
File under: AVAC, Tarentum, Allegheny Valley, ecumenism, mission, worship
They ended up making shields that had a reminder to trust God showing on one side. On the other side they had drawn pictures of things that scare them.
We probably all keep our cards close to our vest so that others don't see the things that raise our anxiety. I was moved when some of the children shared with me what they had drawn on the backs of their shields.
File under : Central Presbyterian Church, Christian education, Tarentum, faith
The per capita conundrum: Why presbyteries feel the pinch
In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) all giving is voluntary, and the gifts are received gratefully. But a number of factors can interfere with raising the full amount of per capita that the governing bodies need. The news story cited above discusses some of those factors.
The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) says in G-9.0404d.:
Each governing body above the session shall prepare a budget annually for its operating expenses, including administrative personnel, and may fund it with a per capita apportionment among the particular churches within its bounds. The presbyteries shall be responsible for raising their own per capita funds, and for raising and timely transmission of per capita funds to their respective synods and to the General Assembly. The presbyteries may direct per capita apportionments to the sessions of the churches within their bounds.Note that although the apportionment is among the particular churches, the presbyteries have the constitutional duty to raise the per capita. And there is the rub.
In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) all giving is voluntary. The presbyteries do not compel, and have no authority to compel, the session of a particular church to send in every last cent of the per capita due from that church (see the decision of the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission in Minihan et al. v. the Presbytery of Scioto Valley).
When congregations do not send in their full per capita, whether because of a lack of funds or an intentional choice, the presbyteries are caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand they have a constitutional provision that creates a duty to the higher governing bodies, and on the other hand they depend on cooperation from the local churches to be able to fullfill that duty.
Some commentators (here or here) have attributed the shortfall to intentional withholding of per capita by local churches. Based on my experience in the PCUSA I would suggest that most of the shortfall is likely due to financial problems in churches.
There was a report on past due per capita at the most recent meeting of Pittsburgh Presbytery. According to that report, only one congregation with a past due amount through 2005 is withholding GA per capita, and only one is witholding the presbytery portion of per capita. According to the news story one of the two synods where the withholding phenomenon is concentrated is the Synod of the Trinity, of which Pittsburgh Presbytery is a part.
The fact is that sometimes a congregation gets to the end of the year able to pay most of its bills but falls short on being able to send in the full amount of per capita. Presbyteries routinely are patient with churches in such situations, and often the congregations are able to solve the problem within the early part of the new year. When the congregations do not do so, the problem accumulates, affecting funding decisions in subsequent years.
File under : PCUSA, Pittsburgh Presbytery, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tarentum Borough Council: honors given to police and mayor
Tim Cornuet, Tarentum's Emergency Management Coordinator, was present to give awards for heroism to Ryan Hanford and Robert Lang, who had risked their lives to rescue residents of Rachel Carson Hall in a fire on April 30, 2006. Without the protective gear used by firefighters these police officers made repeated trips into thick smoke on the sixth, seventh and eighth floors of the building to rescue residents.
They were given framed certificates that commended their actions, and lapel pins that they are to wear on their uniforms. There was applause through the room when the awards were given.
The Council honored Mayor James E. Wolfe by passing a resolution to name the new skatepark after him. The vote was taken in a spirit of love and humor. Councilman Joe Davidek said, "I'm glad we named the park after him because he was dead set against it."
From comments in the meeting it appears that the mayor is at least suspending judgment on whether the skateboard park will turn out to be the grave disaster he had opposed so strongly.
Councilwoman Sopcak informed the Council that some local skaters had told her they were disappointed that they were not included in the process of naming the skatepark.
There was applause through the room when the Council voted to give Mayor Wolfe's name to the skatepark.
In other business that evening the Council appointed Eric Carter, the Mayor's grandson and an active member of the Recreation Board, to fill the vacant Second Ward seat. The vote was a 3-3 tie, which the Mayor broke by casting the deciding vote. After the election Mr. Carter was duly sworn in.
Fred Killingsworth gave a presentation to the Council from TekCollect, a collection service that was proposing to work with the borough's tax office.
The Council passed a motion to make Borough employees and elected officials respnsible for any charges incurred by the borough for missed conferences, meetings, etc.
The Council approved a pole attachment agreement with Nick Chevrolet for a data line to connect buildings on opposite ends of West Seventh Ave.
The Council voted to send a letter to Allegheny County 911 to ask for acceptance into the County 911 Center. Tarentum's dispatch is losing the participation of the other nearby municipalities, so Tarentum's dispatch center will close. Residents should observe no change in how their calls for emergency assistance are handled, whether they call 911 or the old number for Tarentum Dispatch.
A motion to permit Police Chief Vakulick to be absent from Council meetings failed after extensive debate.
The Council appointed Tom Benecki as its agent between Tarentum Borough and the Department of Community & Economic Development. The Council also passed a resolution regarding Slums and Blight.
The Council approved Ordinance 06-07 concerning standards for conversion of single family to two family dwellings.
The traffic island at W. Sixth and Grantham Street will be removed at no cost to the borough.
The Council approved the Gatto Block Party on July 14-15, 2007.
There were citizen comments at the conclusion of the meeting. One citizen was concerned about the removal of a number of trees in Tarentum, particularly along 6th Avenue. Borough manager William Rossey explained that a thin and easily-removed piece of concrete was poured over the holes for safety while the Borough researches what type of tree would be best for those locations.
The Holiday Parade is going to include the Shriners with their little cars.
File under : Tarentum, government, recreation, skateboard park
Monday, October 16, 2006
Tarentum Skatepark: Now the ground is really broken
File under : Tarentum, skateboard park
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Pittsburgh Presbytery at Hamilton: F. Awards and honors
"If one member is honored, all rejoice together with it"
- 1 Corinthians 12:26 (NRSV)
During the meeting of Pittsburgh Presbytery on October 12 at the Hamilton Presbyterian Church, a number of awards were presented.
The Presbytery celebrated the fact the partnerships that had been formed between and among many of the churches. Some congregations had established multiple partnerships with others, and the partnerships did not all fit the same pattern. Representatives of the churches with partnerships were called forward, and given a gift to recognize the importance of their partnerships.
While this celebration was going on, a fiery cross appeared on the projection screen for the powerpoint show for the meeting. I think that this image was caused by the afternoon sun coming through the only stained glass window in the church. The image came and went as clouds passed through the sky, and the image's location also changed over time.
The Peacemaking Ministries Network of the Synod of the Trinity gave one of the four 2006 Andrew E. Murray Peacemaking Awards to the Field Learning Program of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church. The Field Learning Program gives special attention to refugee children and youth making the transition to new lives in Pittsburgh.
It was also announced that the Rev. Rachel Stahle of the Pleasant Hills Community Presbyterian Church has written an Advent devotional that will be available for download on the Presbytery website.
Congratulations to all!
File under : Hamilton Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh Presbytery, peacemaking
My other articles about this meeting: A. Welcome B. Worship with Ben Freudenburg C: Ordination overture D. Vocational matters E. Reflective listening about property F. Awards and honors
Pittsburgh Presbytery at Hamilton: E. Reflective listening about property
Pastor Jim Mead acknowledged that elsewhere in the denomination there were churches seeking to leave. He said that in Pittsburgh Presbytery there were no congregations working on leaving, and that in fact there were congregations unsettled by the PUP report who were working on maintaining their participation in the PCUSA.
When we arrived at the meeting one of the papers on the table was a guide for our reflective listening exercise. It asked three things:
In the event Pittsburgh Presbytery needs to make decisions about church property, some things I pray we keep in mind are:
- these things about mission:
- these things about our relationships in the presbytery:
- these things about presbytery's fiduciary responsibilities for property in support of its mission:
In small groups of three we shared our answers to these questions, then Pastor Mead gave us the opportunity to share with the whole Presbytery something we had heard (i.e., not something that we had said) that we felt the whole Presbytery should hear. It seemed to me that there were not as many people who stood to share what they had heard as had spoken at the last meeting. One statement that was shared with the whole Presbytery that has stuck with me was: "Jesus changed the world and owned no real estate."
There will be another Discernment Gathering at the Presbytery Center on November 14 at 7 PM.
In other business affecting church property, the Council reported that it has referred an overture on per capita for study to its Finance Committee. The proposal is one that would amend the Presbytery Manual so that the Presbytery would forward to General Assembly and Synod only so much of the per capita as the Presbytery receives from its congregations. Although the Council did not report the specific language of the overture, the proposal as described would be an irregularity. The fact that other presbyteries are already failing to follow the Book of Order would not make it any less illegal for Pittsburgh Presbytery.
File under : Hamilton Presbyterian Church, PCUSA, Pittsburgh Presbytery, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), discernment
My other articles about this meeting: A. Welcome B. Worship with Ben Freudenburg C: Ordination overture D. Vocational matters E. Reflective listening about property F. Awards and honors
Saturday, October 14, 2006
A windy fall day
The mix of reds with bright green on a windy day caught my attention.
Changes are in the air. One friend I visited is out of bed and going home from the hospital today. Another friend may be moving somewhere else soon.
File under : Natrona Heights, picture
Friday, October 13, 2006
Pittsburgh Presbytery at Hamilton: D. Vocational matters
The presbytery received inquirer Kevin Long of the Shadyside Presbyterian Church as a candidate for the ministry of Word and Sacrament. Kevin explained his motivations for seeking the ministry through a poem he had written. This was the first time I have ever heard extended verse used in this kind of statement before a presbytery.
The Presbytery also received inquirer B.J. Woodworth of the Bellefield Presbyterian Church as a candidate for the ministry of Word and Sacrament. Woodworth is a local blogger whose blog "What's Your Wood Worth?" I have been following for about a year. He also is a Certified Lay Pastor, serving as the pastor of The Open Door, an emergent faith community in Pittsburgh's East End.
Candidate Elizabeth Broschart of the Dormont Presbyterian Church was examined and approved for ordination so that she could accept the approved call of the Gladden Presbyterian Church as designated pastor.
The Presbytery approved calls for the Rev. Jeri-Lynn Bouterse as the pastor of the Valley Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Carmen Cox Harwell as designated pastor of the Mt. Hope Community Presbyterian Church.
The Presbytery granted the Rev. James K. Smith, Sr. Honorable retirement. His son Robert Smith, who is the Stated Clerk of Redstone Presbytery and had recently been the associate Stated Clerk of Pittsburgh Presbytery, was present to participate in the service of recognition.
In addition to the vocational matters involving people's careers, God was at work in this meeting calling people into various forms of volunteer service on presbytery committees and boards. The Presbytery placed Elder David Henderson on the board of the Presbyterian Foundation in the class of 2007, and the Rev. Eugene Blackwell on the Committee on Ministry in the class of 2007.
This was the meeting at which the Nominating Committee presented its nominees for the Presbytery Moderator and Senior Vice-Moderator. The elections will happen at the December presbytery meeting.
Elder David Green of the Bower Hill Community Church was the committee's nominee as Moderator. In the short time that I have been in this presbytery I have observed Elder Green reminding the presbytery of the ways we have agreed to handle certain issues under the policies in the Presbytery Manual. I've become quite appreciative of his willingness to help to keep us on track. Yesterday's meeting was the first time that we introduced ourselves to each other. I asked him whether he knew the manual so well because he had helped write it. His humble response was that he had not been a part of the writing but that he had had to become very familiar with it when he chaired the presbytery's nominating committee for a number of years.
There was a nomination from the floor for the position of Moderator: The Rev. Paul Roberts, pastor of the Eastminster Presbyterian Church. Rev. Roberts has been leading the Eastminster church in an exciting, cross-cultural ministry.
The committee's nominee for Senior Vice-Moderator was Elder Kears Pollock (no relation) of the Parkwood Presbyterian Church. I have had the opportunity to get to know Kears through service on a Presbytery commission, and have appreciated the wisdom he brings to various matters. Yesterday I mentioned to Kears that I saw he was to be nominated. He told me that the Nominating Committee had approached him, and that he had not sought out the nomination, but had responded affirmatively to the process when he was asked to serve the Presbytery in this way.
There was a nomination from the floor for the Senior Vice-Moderator position: The Rev. Dr. Lowell Meek of the Round Hill Church. I have not met Dr. Meek, but the impression I have gleaned over the internet is that the Round Hill Church is perceived as a friendly church.
I am not sure what to make of these challenge nominations from the floor, but I think it is a good thing that people are ready to offer their gifts in service to Christ's Church through Pittsburgh Presbytery.
File under : Hamilton Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh Presbytery, vocation
My other articles about this meeting: A. Welcome B. Worship with Ben Freudenburg C: Ordination overture D. Vocational matters E. Reflective listening about property F. Awards and honors
Pittsburgh Presbytery at Hamilton: C: Ordination overture
It is unclear what the effect of this resolution will be, but the intention seems to be to make "fidelity within the covenant of marriage or chastity in singleness" an essential tenet of the Reformed faith so that the ordination of a person out of compliance would not even be considered.
The debate at this meeting was limited in time and did not get far beyond procedural issues. When the time limit of 20 minutes was reached, an attempt to extend debate for 30 minutes failed. It might have stood a better chance if the requested extension had been for 20 minutes or less.
One attempt to amend the overture was ruled out of order. At the previous meeting, one of the critics of the overture had pointed out that the overture only addresses the ordination of ministers of Word and Sacrament, and does not address elders and deacons. The obvious reason for this limitation is that a presbytery has no jurisdiction over elders and deacons, who are ordained by the sessions of the congregations. The proposed amendment at yesterday's meeting would have broadened the overture to address elders and deacons. When the Stated Clerk pointed out that the proposed amendment would make the resulting overture contrary to the constitution, the Moderator ruled the proposed amendment out of order.
When the debate was closed, a request was made that the presbytery pray before voting and use ballots to vote. The Stated Clerk produced pre-printed ballots that showed the resolving clauses of the overture. I was a bit dismayed that although the Presbytery had agreed to pray before voting, there were people already folding their ballots and passing them in while ballots were still being distributed in the back, and before the prayer. Some people had their minds made up.
The Stated Clerk announced during the meeting that there were two protests filed against the action. Protests are statements that a member believes the action to have been irregular. At the conclusion of the meeting there was a crowd of ministers and elders around the Clerk's table reading and subscribing to the protests.
The vote yesterday fulfilled the apparent prophecy made on the website of the Presbyterian Layman, which had been announcing as recently as October 6 that Pittsburgh Presbytery had already approved the overture. I've seen newspapers make accurate predictions before, but claiming that the events have already occurred seems to bend a journalistic rule somewhere.
File under : Hamilton Presbyterian Church, PCUSA, Pittsburgh Presbytery, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), journalism, vocation
My other articles about this meeting: A. Welcome B. Worship with Ben Freudenburg C: Ordination overture D. Vocational matters E. Reflective listening about property F. Awards and honors
Pittsburgh Presbytery at Hamilton: B. Worship with Ben Freudenburg
During the service we sang two great hymns: "Baptized in Water" and "Alleluia! Sing to Jesus."
The sermon was preached by Professor Ben Freudenburg, the Director of the Family Life Program at Concordia University Ann Arbor. Professor Freudenburg is leading a number of events for Pittsburgh Presbytery through this weekend.
Professor Freudenburg spoke about a new reformation that America and the world need. He sees a need for a paradigm shift to home centered church supported ministry. From his text, Joshua 24:14-18, he drew the importance of commitments that are based in the household where children are raised. He also pointed to Deuteronomy 6:4-9 to emphasize the importance of children being in homes where they are constantly told the stories and values of the Christian community.
The paradigm shift he talks about is an important and needed one. There is a trap in the way the church has been doing Christian education in that faith education has been seen too much as something for which children are sent to the church to get. Freudenburg offered statistics to show that a home where the message is being conveyed continually is the best factor in ensuring that young people "stick with Jesus" in Freudenburg's words.
Professor Freudenburg will lead an event today at the Presbytery office from 9:00 to 1:30 on "Training in the Family Friendly Church". Tomorrow (Saturday) he will lead in the Teacher Training Workshop at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary from 9:00 to 3:00.
File under : Christian education, Hamilton Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh Presbytery, worship
My other articles about this meeting: A. Welcome B. Worship with Ben Freudenburg C: Ordination overture D. Vocational matters E. Reflective listening about property F. Awards and honors
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Pittsburgh Presbytery at Hamilton: A. Welcome
I was one of the many who would "have to cross a river or two" as Pastor Jim Mead reminded us all in his cover letter for the Presbytery papers. My journey took me only about 45 minutes to travel just under 30 miles in excellent traffic. The directions provided by the host church were great.
When I met new people during the meeting and they asked me where I came from, I got a lot of blank stares when I named Tarentum.
Nevertheless, we all received a warm welcome upon arrival at the church. Volunteers were out guiding us to appropriate places to park, and welcoming and directing us as we came into the building.
This meeting would be the one when we would receive communion and also remember the ministers and elders who had died in the past year. At the very beginning of the meeting Moderator Carol Divens Roth announced the death Tuesday of elder Marianne Wolfe, who had been the Stated Clerk of Pittsburgh Presbytery from 1977 to 1993. During her lifetime she had written books and resources and had provided training for a generation of clerks of session and stated clerks of governing bodies. It had been my privilege a number of years ago to take a class in parliamentary procedure from her. Her memorial service will be Saturday in the community building at Sherman Oaks in Cranberry.
File under : Hamilton Presbyterian Church, PCUSA, Pittsburgh Presbytery, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
My other articles about this meeting: A. Welcome B. Worship with Ben Freudenburg C: Ordination overture D. Vocational matters E. Reflective listening about property F. Awards and honors
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tarentum breaks ground on new skatepark
Tom Benecki, Executive Director of the Allegheny Valley North Council of Governments welcomed everyone, and introduced Dan Onorato, Chief Executive of Allegheny County.
Tarentum Council President Carl Magnetta spoke about many people who were intially opposed to the skatepark but who gradually came on board as they learned more about it. He suggested that the skatepark should be named the James E. Wolfe Skatepark in honor of the long-time mayor of the Borough of Tarentum.
Councilwoman Ginger Sopcak, who is credited with having started the project, offered remarks and introduced skater Chris Tady who thanked all the politicians who had made the park possible.
There were further speeches by State Senator Sean Logan, State Representative Frank Dermody, and Allegheny County Council representative Jim Burn.
The rainy weather did not dampen the spirits of those who came to see the ceremony. Thanks to Tarentum Borough Manager Bill Rossey there was a tent available to shelter many from the rain.
File under : Tarentum, recreation, skateboard park, youth
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
People want to get involved through the Tarentum Borough Council
One of the items on the agenda was to interview people who had expressed an interest in the Second Ward seat on the Council that had become vacant when William Rossey began work as the borough manager. There were three applicants for the advertised position. One was man I had never seen at borough council meetings before, who said he has lived in Tarentum for about ten years. The other two were long-term residents; one a former member of council who had served a number of terms, and the other a younger member of a family that has been active in Tarentum politics for scores of years.
In the interviews I noticed common themes of wanting to get involved at a new level, caring about cleaning up problems, and concern about how to make Tarentum a good place for families with children.
For all the problems people see around Tarentum, it struck me that there is a genuine strength in the spirit of wanting to get involved - a spirit shared by people who have lived here for a few years or for many.
Next Monday the Council will select the person to fill the vacant seat. That person will serve a partial term until December 31, 2007, and would need to campaign in the 2007 municipal election in order to be elected to a second term.
File under : Tarentum, government
Friday, October 06, 2006
Tarentum Skatepark Groundbreaking next week
Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato and other invited state, county and local officials, together with local skateboarders will be present.
Update (10-07-06):
The good news is that the groundbreaking is going to happen one way or the other next week.
(Update 10-08-06): According to a comment posted below the groundbreaking is actually Wednesday.
Total confusion. But I am still glad that the project will move forward with appropriate hoopla on whichever day.
(Update 10-9-06): The information keeps flip-flopping. This post shows my current understanding of what is happening, with information I believe to be incorrect stricken out.
File under : Tarentum, recreation, skateboard park
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Vietnam from a distance
It is amazing the connections the internet can make between little Tarentum and a nation half a world away.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Pedestrian issues
This article refreshed my concern about the way our reliance on the automobile has led to the existence of dangerous conditions for pedestrians. The recent death of a ten-year-old on Old Freeport Road in Ohara illustrates the need for safe places for pedestrians to travel. (Today's Valley News Dispatch has an editorial commenting on the same story, and rightly pointing out that the group of children could have waited for a ride. But should there not have been a safe walkway for pedestrians to use?)
In and around Tarentum many people do not own cars. They walk and use public transportation to get to their destinations. Some use motorized wheelchairs, and are forced onto narrow Tarentum streets when disrepair of a sidewalk leaves piles of gravel in the way for weeks at a time.
The lengthy project to widen the Tarentum Bridge road in New Kensington was frustrating to drivers. But not many drivers are aware how the whole project was conducted with little respect for the safety of pedestrians. People using the bridge walkway were for a time forced to walk in traffic at the New Kensington end of the bridge.
Eventually the sidewalk was completed as far as the corner with the entrance to the Giant Eagle. Although the sidewalk has no barrier (as exists along the bridge), at least now pedestrians have their own place to walk a short distance into New Kensington. (A car would at least need to jump the curb to endanger a pedestrian.)
But at the end of the sidewalk, the crosswalk leads to a corner where no sidewalk resumes. Pedestrians, or those in motorized wheelchairs, are forced back into traffic.
Although Tarentum has a few convenience stores, there is no supermarket here. The bridge walkway is a necessary route for many local pedestrians to pick up their weekly groceries.
The route should be safer.
File under : New Kensington, Tarentum, traffic, urbanism
Sunday, October 01, 2006
fabric from Malawi
The gift was a length of fabric with a repeating print celebrating the formation of the Ntcheu Presbytery in the Blantyre Synod. When the Ntcheu Presbytery was formed in 2004 our congregation had recognized that event during our worship service.
The fabric was on display in our sanctuary today in order for us to remind the congregation of our connection, and also to help us in our observance of World Communion Sunday.
File under : Central Presbyterian Church, Tarentum, Malawi
Game over
At the rehearsal dinner on Friday night the men in the wedding party changed into T-shirts announcing "Game Over." I thought it was a nice touch, in keeping with the kind of humor that is appropriate for such transitions.
File under : Central Presbyterian Church, Tarentum, wedding