Friday, March 31, 2006

Circle of hands

Circle of handsThis is a picture of a group project we made with the children in the closing "depot" of this Wednesday's Grand Central Station program. We are doing a unit on the Good Samaritan from Group Publishing Company's Bible Venture Centers.

We had everyone make a cut-out of their hand. Then each person would say something they would do with their hands to help someone and would tape their cut-out in a line to the previous one.

It was a great idea, but from the very beginning there was a curve to the line. We ended up with this ring of hands when the last hand taped on joined the first.

Maybe we were unconsciously just replicating the circle we formed when we sang grace before supper. Or maybe God has designed human beings so that all our interactions have the potential for good coming back to us. Or maybe it is the work of God in redeeming and reconciling us that brings this about. I wonder.

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