Because our week-long Vacation Bible School begins tomorrow, we dedicated the teachers and volunteers during this worship service.
File under: Central Presbyterian Church, Tarentum, Vacation Bible School, music, worship
Welcome to my park bench from which we can notice and discuss the traces and signs of God's presence and activity in the Alle-Kiski Valley. Have a seat. Relax and take a look around. Something big is happening, and you are invited to participate.
As we marched towards the rubble of the homes my heart was pounding. I turned a corner and saw the first heap. Stone, steel, wood, all kinds of material whose purposes were now indecipherable. It was hard to tell that this had actually been a home. Three children were sitting on top of the rubble, not saying a thing, just looking. I couldn't handle it, I turned to leave. And as I was turning I saw out of the corner of my eye, under a tree with his face in his hands, the owner of the home. He must have been around 70 years old. He was sobbing. I probably do not need to tell you my reaction.
Next to this man was a pile of chairs and table, some tapestries, etc. I asked Sami what that pile was and he replied, "It's what they were able to salvage in an hour. That's how quick the notice is. The IDF shows up with the caterpillar and crane and tells them they have one hour. After that, if they aren't out of the home, the IDF claims that they cannot be held accountable."
All hail (bounce) the power (wiggle) of Jesus' name! (wave)
Let angels (big steps) prostrate fall (jump);
Bring forth (jump) the royal diadem (wiggle),
And crown (bounce) Him (wave) Lord of all (big steps);
Bring forth (jump) the royal diadem (wave),
And crown (bounce) Him (bounce) Lord (bounce) of all! (wave)