Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Albert's is saving my sole(s)

Albert's Shoe Repair"It looks like there's a problem with your sole," said the bystander at Albert's Shoe Repair where I had stopped to drop off a pair of shoes. "Do you go to church?"

I did not groan at the pun, but identified myself as the pastor at Central Presbyterian Church, and ended up having an extended conversation with this bystander and the proprietor, both members of Roman Catholic parishes. They asked, with genuine concern, how my parish was doing. One thing I have learned about church people is that they generously value the health of the churches that are their neighbors, even though separated by differences of doctrine or tradition.

I'm glad I discovered Albert's Shoe Service at 757 Freeport Road in Creighton over a year ago. It may be popular in some circles to throw things away when they start to appear worn out, but Albert's has given new life twice to the same pair of shoes for me.

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