Flames were clearly visible at the bottom of the plume of smoke. By the time I parked my car and walked back to a vantage point to take a picture, the flames had been brought under control and were no longer visible above the treetops.
The thumbnail version of the picture should give you an idea what you missed if you did not read the paper edition of the VND. No wonder the newspaper box at the corner of Corbet and Fourth was already empty this morning when I drove by.
I am sorry, but there was alot more went on with that fire that the paper did not print.
I am sure there is always more that could be printed.
If you know something important about the fire, why don't you share it?
Yes, the box was probably emptied by one person. That must be the way it's done. It's such a hot item.
A picture does not vcover the fire.
At least two people were arrested and the fire might be considered an arson..
Yes, Lou Rudieger is good.
Ok, I'll bite.
Who was arrested and by which law enforcement agency?
Because I checked and Tarentum police have no idea what you're talking about.
Maybe one of those arrested was the Body in the Dumpster.
Well said, Stewart. Well said.
The Valley News Dispatch has an article today ("Arson fear spreads")about intentionally set fires in Tarentum.
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