These pictures were taken from Riverview Memorial Park in Tarentum.

Scenes such as this will be very attractive to people who are considering buying condos at The Landing along First Avenue.
Welcome to my park bench from which we can notice and discuss the traces and signs of God's presence and activity in the Alle-Kiski Valley. Have a seat. Relax and take a look around. Something big is happening, and you are invited to participate.
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Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
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I have highlighted the committee's amendment in green and the assembly's amendment in red; both of these changes mean that those commenting on the language in the originally published report are interpreting something other than what the General Assembly actually adopted.5. The Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity of the Church recommends that the 217th General Assembly (2006) approve the following authoritative interpretation of section G-6.0108 of the Book of Order:
a. The Book of Confessions and the Form of Government of the Book of Order set forth the scriptural and constitutional standards for ordination and installation.
b. These standards are determined by the whole church, after the careful study of Scripture and theology, solely by the constitutional process of approval by the General Assembly with the approval of the presbyteries. These standards may be interpreted by the General Assembly and its Permanent Judicial Commission.
c. Ordaining and installing bodies, acting as corporate expressions of the church, have the responsibility to determine their membership by applying these standards to those elected to office. These determinations include:(1) Whether a candidate being examined for ordination and/or installation as elder, deacon, or minister of Word and Sacrament has departed from scriptural and constitutional standards for fitness for office,d. Whether the examination [assembly amendment: and ordination and installation decision] comply with the constitution of the PCUSA, and whether the ordaining/installing body has conducted its examination reasonably, responsibly, prayerfully, and deliberately in deciding to ordain a candidate for church office is subject to review by higher governing bodies.
(2) Whether any departure constitutes a failure to adhere to the essentials of Reformed faith and polity under G-6.0108 of the Book of Order, thus barring the candidate from ordination and/or installation.
e. All parties should endeavor to outdo one another in honoring one another’s decisions, according the presumption of wisdom to ordaining/installing bodies in examining candidates and to the General Assembly, with presbyteries’ approval, in setting standards.
File under : PCUSA, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), vocation
File under : Tarentum, government, recreation, skateboard park
File under : government, transparency
File under : Central Presbyterian Church, Tarentum
File under : Central Presbyterian Church, PCUSA, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Tarentum
File under : Central Presbyterian Church, Tarentum, power
File under : PCUSA, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
File under : Central Presbyterian Church, Tarentum
File under : Tarentum, government, recreation, skateboard park, transparency
File under : Central Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh Presbytery, Tarentum
I served a church in Tennessee once and found the people there were always saying, "God is telling me this or that."
Not, "I feel that God is moving me to do this or that," but that "God is telling me this or that."
My first reaction was to think, "How arrogant, that people would think that God speaks to them and no one else."
My second reaction was to think, "How dangerous."
One reaction I heard was in a committee meeting. "God is telling me this or that," one of the members of the committee said. It was her way of saying, "It's my way or the highway. I'm putting God's seal of approval on my opinion so you can argue with it."
In other words, "God is telling me..." was a way of using the Lord's name in vain.
File under : discernment, vocation
File under : Tarentum, recreation, skateboard park, youth
File under : Tarentum, children, recreation, wierd
File under : Central Presbyterian Church, Tarentum
File under : New Kensington, government, park
File under : Allegheny Valley, Habitat, New Kensington