Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Pittsburgh Presbytery meeting at Bakerstown: 8. Congregational transformation

At the meeting of Pittsburgh Presbytery on Dec. 1, 2005 at the First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, the Administrative Commission on Transformation presented a video called "Seeds for Tomorrow." The video featured every congregation of the Presbytery, as well as interviews with a number of congregational leaders who described how God was leading their churches into new paths of service.

The commission also announced its plans for the Acts Initiative, a two year process for a pastor and two to six congregational leaders from each participating church. E. Stanley Ott, who will lead the process, spoke about the need for the process in remarks that referred to the rapid pace of change in our society. Quoting Leonard Sweet that if you are over the age of 39 you are an immigrant to American society, he stated that the challenge for church leaders today is to honor the immigrants while we reach the natives. The Acts Initiative is intended to help church leaders with that challenge.

Seminar 1 of the Acts Initiative will be held February 14-15, 2006 at the Bethany Presbyterian Church. Registration forms are available here.

My other articles on this meeting: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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