Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pittsburgh Presbytery meeting at Bakerstown: 7. Hurricane Katrina/Rita response

Cross at the First Presbyterian Church of BakerstownAt the meeting of Pittsburgh Presbytery on December 1, 2005 at the First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, the Katrina/Rita Task Force presented its report.

This Task Force was formed by the Presbytery Council in response to an action of the Presbytery taken on September 8.

The chair of the Task Force, Elder Robert Lichy of the First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, presented the report, relaying the information that the churches of the Presbytery had raised $384,000 toward the goal of $1,000,000 for hurricane response.

He reported that a number of churches had already either sent mission teams to the Gulf Coast region, or had such trips in the planning stage.

He said that the Task Force had a goal of getting 1% of the membership of each congregation of the Presbytery to be trained in disaster response. He introduced Michael Mingrone of the Southwest Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Red Cross, who described their program called "Ready When the Time Comes".

Mr. Mingrone explained that there are many different tasks to be accomplished in responding to a disaster, and encouraged volunteers to pick an area in which to gain expertise.

My other articles on this meeting: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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