Thursday, September 08, 2005

Pittsburgh Presbytery meeting at Crestfield: 2. Churches challenged to raise $1 million

At the beginning of the meeting of Pittsburgh Presbytery at the Crestfield Camp and Conference Center on September 8, 2005 there were two items of new business brought by members of the Presbytery, each related to Hurricane Katrina relief.

One of the new items was brought by Rev. Lee Clark of the Bethesda United Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth. He reported that last Sunday he challenged the congregation (that had not made budget for the last four years) to raise $10,000 for Hurricane Katrina relief. As he stood before the Presbytery, he held up the check for $10,000 made out to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and raised by the congregation between Sunday and the Presbytery meeting.

He then challenged the churches of the Presbytery to raise $1,000,000 over the next 15 days for Hurricane Katrina relief. The challenge was well-received. Moderator David Carver encouraged all elders present to interrupt the announcements in worship this Sunday (except at the Crafton Heights church) if the pastor should neglect to pass this challenge along to the congregation.

The other item of new business concerning Hurricane Katrina Relief was a motion that the Presbytery establish a mission partnership with a presbytery in the Gulf Coast region. Presbytery leadership have already begun a process that could lead to such a partnership. Following the Presbytery's practices with new business, this motion was referred to the Presbytery Council.

At the end of the meeting, Pastor to the Presbytery Jim Mead drew attention to handouts and numerous ways in which churches can respond to the need for hurricane relief.

My articles about this Presbytery meeting are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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